Committee Opportunities


To support the North Dakota Section in the recruitment, retention, and engagement of members. The Committee will also identify the reasons that the North Dakota Section attracts and maintains members and promote the value of AWWA membership.

Committee Chair: Heather Schumaker 

Education & Research

To publicly position NDAWWA and be an advocate for the North Dakota drinking water community and profession.

Committee Chair: Marisha Lunde

Public Relations

To support the North Dakota Section in the recruitment, retention, and engagement of members. The Committee will also identify the reasons that the North Dakota Section attracts and maintains members and promote the value of AWWA membership.

Committee Chair: Alan Kemmet

Young Professionals

To actively pursue the advancement of students and younger professionals in the water industry and promote the active engagement of young members within the section.

Committee Chair:  Zac Ranisate

Water for People

To raise funds and spread the word about the need for safe drinking water and improved sanitation to communities in need throughout the globe.

Committee Chair: Miranda Kleven

Govt. Affairs/Water Utility Council

To develop, respond and comment on legislative, regulatory and other matters which directly and indirectly affect water utilities and to encourage provision of better water service to the consuming public.

Committee Chair: Mike Berg

Volunteer with North Dakota Section AWWA!

Please fill out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.
